Brian's Bowling Tips

Set up routine :

Having to think about your shot with your ball in hand is not recommended (when you think you stink). Instead try to remember what happened on your last shot before you pick up the ball.

Having what is called a setup routine will offer you some time between shots to consider what happened the previous shot and free your mind for the next shot.

An example routine might go as follows :

The bowler is doing his(her) thinking when he(she) is sitting waiting for his turn, Not on the approach.

As the bowler walks toward the ball return he(she) is taking slow deep breaths to relieve tension all the while visualizing making a good shot.

The bowler dries hands with the air drier maybe picks up the ball and wipes it with a towel to get rid of excess oil, glances at the rack to make sure all the pins are set and on spot.

Checks for lane clearance (bowlers on either side).

Finally the bowler picks up ball (with both hands) tests the friction of the approach with sliding foot, Then positions his(her) feet on their desired mark And then finnally adjusts their grip and stance.

Also try to think about adjustments and equipment changes when you are sitting waiting for your turn. Try to weigh the advantages and disadvanteges before you make any drastic changes in the middle of a game.